You Agree to Follow These Guidelines:

This is a PETS ONLY DIRECTORY – Only Pet related listings are accepted

Only organizations located in the United States with English content will be considered.

Sites with any of the following content (or links to sites with any prohibited content) will not be accepted:

  • Any form of NON-family friendly content
  • Gambling or content related to betting or wagering in any manner
  • Counterfeit or replica goods
  • Any cannabis related products, even if legal in your location.

When submitting, please provide an accurate and grammatically correct title and description for your link.

  • Do capitalize the first word and all proper nouns in sentences, the title and description.
  • Do not use all capital letters or any unusual charterers.
  • Do not stuff the title or description with keywords.
  • Do not include a URL in the title or description.

Avoid writing title and descriptions that contain limited offers. Do not post prices, individual products, or any other information that is subject to change (free shipping over certain amounts, etc.). Refrain from including dates unless a date is important to your product. An acceptable example would be Outlook 2019.

Carefully identify the best category for your site. You should submit a site to the most relevant category. Listings submitted with incorrect categories will be changed or may cause a listing to be delayed.

Finally, sites containing content that is not legal in all parts of the World, or is not legally viewed by children will not be accepted. Thanks for doing your part by only submitting a quality site. Following these guidelines will be good for your site, and ours.

The terms of this agreement are subject to change or revision. Any changes will be posted here. You should review this section regularly.

The final decision whether or not to publish a listing and the choice of categories and tags is ours.